am a current student of Texas A & M – Commerce with a major in Pre-Vet –
Animal Science and am taking an English 1302 class with Jennifer Jones in my
semester course studies. In this class,
we as students are responsible for a research project that explains a chosen
have chosen to do my Project on Durant Animal Hospital located at 86 West
Mulberry Street, Durant, OK 74701. This
site was chosen by me because it is of interest to me and my proposed field of
study. I chose this site because they
deal with both small animals like dogs and cats along with livestock like
horses and cattle. Due to the fact that
I am considering a career in this field, I felt this would be a good research
site for me to explore before I get into this field hot and heavy to only
realize that it just is not for me. With
my research, I may also be able to help others in the community that are
seeking a career in this field, answer some of the same questions I may have or
will face. I plan to research the ins
and outs of the veterinary business along with how the veterinarians interact
with their different patients and their owners.
one of our classes with Ms. Jones, she presented the class with a PowerPoint
slide presentation of: John Swales “The Concept of a Discourse Community.” In this presentation, Mr. Swales, the author
of the presentation, has six criteria that he feels are the concepts to a
discourse community. The animal hospital
that I will be basing my research on falls into a discourse community and I
will briefly explain why. Below you will
see a summarized criteria list of his full article.
discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals.”
discourse community has mechanisms of intercommunication among its members.”
discourse community uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide
information feedback.”
discourse community utilizes and hence possess one or more genres in the
communicative furtherance of its aims.”
addition to owning genres, a discourse community has acquired some specific
discourse community has a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of
relevant content and discoursal expertise.”
1: With this being a veterinary practice,
the members or employees of the practice have a broad agreed set of common public
goals with some of them being animal welfare, preventative medicine for
animals, emergency care for animals, and public awareness and education of
2: With the various positions that a
clinic requires, each employee knows their set jobs and what duties they need
to perform on a daily and routine basis.
Due to this, they do not need to have communication on a daily basis but
also with their jobs, daily communication is necessary like in the case of an
emergency (not something that happens on a daily or routine basis) where
instructions need to be communicated and followed.
3: Each employee of this veterinary
practice needs to be involved in this discourse community in order for it to
operate and properly function. If an
employee does not do their job or do it properly, the community will not
function as well or maybe even not at all.
5: With this practice, the veterinarians
and staff use their own language or veterinary terms that many of us may not
6: The clients are a part of the
community that come and go while the employees are more prone to stay.
Works Cited
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